Here are the samples from Vintage Purls, our first New Zealander to get their samples in to Ewe Beaut! Very exciting, and wonderfully packaged might I add! It was so exciting to open the box to see the three layers all beautifully and carefully wrapped ready for me to oggle! :)
The yarns above and below have are a very clever colourway, the top being 'Hyacinth by Night' and the one beneath being 'Hyacinth by Day'. Such fitting names that perfectly describe the colourway. They are both 75% New Zealand Merino Superwash/25% Nylon and would knit up into the most beautiful pair of socks.
If you would like to see what else Vintage Purls have to offer you can check out their website at They also have a group on Ravelry called Vintage Purls which is well worth having a look at for, if nothing else, to have a stickybeak at the amazing projects that people have used their Vintage Purls yarn for.
Thanks for contributing, Vintage Purls! I am sure everyone will be just as excited to see your samples as I am! :)