Friday, November 20, 2009

Knits and Pretties

Hi all,
Here are the amazing and delicate stitch markers that Dovey has contributed from her shop Knits and Pretties. Such an appropriate name when you see how pretty and elegant these stitch markers are! There are some very beautiful Christmassy ones, diamond looking ones and some pearly ones, (which I think might be my favourite!). Not only this, but her very talented and clever husband has made a drop spindle for one very, very lucky Ewe Beaut buyer! How generous!! For those who miss out out on what is such fine and special spindle, there will be some available soon at her shop I know I can't wait for that! :)

Thanks to Doveyyyyyyyyyyy and her hubby for their amazing contributions this month!
Don't forget to check out their store for other great finds-

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